The Scent of Sang Thong Flowers Instead of Maize Monoculture Garlic from German Fields Farming in the Concrete Jungle Basement Power Plant German Farmers Emigrate Garlic from German Fields Fish in the Rice Field Beneath the Pavement Lies Humus Harvest in Designer Boots Hiking on the Path of Enlightenment Leftover Ramp Africa A Matter of Ears Too Good to Be True Grill Briquettes from Olive Pits Woman Seeks Farmer Calm Despite Wind Jungle Giants Underwater Rice Bag in Danger Manure to Gold Manure to Gold Rotor Relief Organization German Farmers Emigrate A Matter of Ears Healing Milk from the Humped Animal Temporary Saints Too Good to Be True Danish Kingdom Altona Cacti to Biogas In the Belly of Groundedness Danish Kingdom Altona Holy Cow on Wheels Vegetables Instead of Cadillac Fairly Dressed Flowers Instead of Maize Monoculture Coal Children Jungle Giants Underwater Holy Cow on Wheels Healing Milk from the Humped Animal Grill Briquettes from Olive Pits Cacti to Biogas The Scent of Sang Thong Real Green Visionary Shoes for the World A Matter of Ears Woman Seeks Farmer Garlic from German Fields Texas in a Gas Frenzy Escape Point Hamburg Farming in the Concrete Jungle Leftover Ramp Africa In the Belly of Groundedness Beneath the Pavement Lies Humus Bomb Craters to Biotopes Beneath the Pavement Lies Humus Healing Milk from the Humped Animal Coal Children Real Green Visionary Hiking on the Path of Enlightenment Too Good to Be True Kosher Milk from Black Pied Cows Rice Bag in Danger Cacti to Biogas Real Green Visionary In the Belly of Groundedness Vegetables Instead of Cadillac Grill Briquettes from Olive Pits Manure to Gold City Without the Poor Harvest in Designer Boots Greens in a Bag Do More Than Satiate Kosher Milk from Black Pied Cows Jungle Giants Underwater Rice Bag in Danger Flowers Instead of Maize Monoculture Greens in a Bag Do More Than Satiate Danish Kingdom Altona Holy Cow on Wheels Basement Power Plant Escape Point Hamburg Woman Seeks Farmer Calm Despite Wind Escape Point Hamburg Leftover Ramp Africa Temporary Saints The Scent of Sang Thong Hiking on the Path of Enlightenment Fairly Dressed Rotor Relief Organization Fish in the Rice Field Bomb Craters to Biotopes Greens in a Bag Do More Than Satiate German Farmers Emigrate Texas in a Gas Frenzy Rotor Relief Organization Temporary Saints Coal Children City Without the Poor Shoes for the World Calm Despite Wind Fish in the Rice Field Texas in a Gas Frenzy Fairly Dressed City Without the Poor Bomb Craters to Biotopes Vegetables Instead of Cadillac Farming in the Concrete Jungle Basement Power Plant Shoes for the World Kosher Milk from Black Pied Cows Harvest in Designer Boots

Klaus Sieg


  • Reports, texts, features, newsletters, brochures and concepts for daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, special interest publications, websites and organizations
  • on agriculture and food, the environment, energy, business and social issues
  • Research from Hamburg-Altona to Timbuktu
  • Cooperation with photographers, graphic designers, film productions and web designers

Interwoven with the whole world. This is the title of one of my reports, which is about the production of fabrics for boubous in the German Erzgebirge. The colorful garments are worn by Muslim men and women in West Africa on holidays, at weddings or to go to the mosque. By buying the fine fabrics for their boubous, these people secure jobs in the heart of Saxony.

Quite a few people today would like to disentangle our country from the world. Yet everyone could benefit if we continued to weave ourselves together on an equal footing. This is also shown by my report in Brand eins ( about the entrepreneur Sarjo Darbo, a Hamburger from Gambia and a Gambian from Hamburg.

The small pepper farmers from Kampot are also interwoven with the world. The spice from the Cambodian province is very popular with gourmets and chefs. With the help of the Social Enterprise Farmlink ( , they sell their traditionally grown pepper at fair prices, including to Germany and France. I visited them together with photographer Martin Egbert (

The world is full of solutions. I have had the pleasure of reporting on many of them in recent months: Urban farming in Tokyo, a biogas plant in Japan's tallest skyscraper, fertilizer trees in Senegal, a clothing repair fund in France, the reforestation of mangroves in West Africa, Hamburg as a sponge city, regional mustard cultivation in Burgundy, gardening for dementia patients in Ratingen, etc.

Some of this has appeared on the New York website for solution-oriented journalism. Reasons to be Cheerful is run by the Arbutus Foundation, founded by David Byrne (Talking Heads). Have a look:


  • Born in 1959
  • Apprenticeship as a carpenter, studied history, archaeology and musicology
  • 1998 - 2001 Editor-in-chief for special issues of the city magazine Szene Hamburg (including Essen+Trinken, Hamburg von A-Z)
  • Since 2001 freelance author, reports for journals, newspapers and magazines, texts and concepts for organizations and companies as well as editorial management for various publications
  • Work trips to Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, China, France, Gambia, Great Britain, India, Italy, Japan, Cambodia, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Macedonia, Malawi, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, Nigeria, North Africa, Panama, Poland, Rwanda, Romania, Zambia, Sweden, Senegal, Serbia, Spain, Tanzania, Uganda, USA, Hungary, Russia, Vietnam, Belarus, Zambia


Natur: Deutschland sucht den Superbaum
Effilee: Zu Besuch bei Mutti
Greenpeace Magazin: Guerilla-Botanik
Brand eins: Zwei Leben


Das Magazin: Boubous aus Sachsen
VDI Nachrichten: Der Acker als Mine
Technology Review: Wütende Wasser. Wie schützen wir uns in Zukunft vor Flut und Hochwasser?
VDI Nachrichten: Biogas aus dem Keller


Broschüre: Gewerbeschule für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik
3. Auflage ab September 2024 wieder im Handel
Geolino: Kohlekinder in Indien


Brand eins / Biogas – Journal / Chrismon Plus / Das Magazin /  DEGA Gartenbau / Food and Farm / Flur und Furche /Hinz&Kunzt / NOZ / GEOlino / Greenpeace Magazin/ Lebensmittelzeitung / Natur / NZZ / PM / Reasons to be Cheerful / Rural 21 / Süddeutsche Zeitung / Technology Review /VDI Nachrichten/ Wald und Holz/ WOZ / Zeitzeichen

Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung / Brot für die Welt / Bundeszentrum für Ernährung / Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) / Hannover Messe / Staatliche Gewerbeschule Kraftfahrzeugtechnik


Klaus Sieg

Journalist and Copywriter

Rothestr. 66
D-22655 Hamburg

 +49 171 6394262

klaus (at)


Jörg Böthling, Martin Egbert


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May 25, 2018

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